
In Data-Alchemy, a Model is a class that allows you to define Column instances that define how the data in a Roblox Datastore should be treated and handled.

A model can be defined as such:

local DataAlchemy = require(game.ReplicatedStorage.DataAlchemy)

local OurModel ="DataStoreName")

Adding onto this, we can next define the columns of our model by setting indexes in our Model class to newly created Column objects like so:

local DataAlchemy = require(game.ReplicatedStorage.DataAlchemy)
local Column = DataAlchemy.Column
local String = DataAlchemy.String
local Number = DataAlchemy.Number

local OurModel ="DataStoreName")

OurModel.Name =, "")
OurModel.Bio =, "")
OurModel.Avatar =, 0)

In this example, we have created a model where Name is a string that can have a max of 30 characters and a default of a blank string, Bio is a string with a max of 300 characters and a default of a blank string, and Avatar is a number that defaults to zero.


For more information on DataTypes, checkout the DataTypes guide!